Details Tab in the Gradebook: Reviewing Student Work: 2024–25 School Year
To Review Whole Class Snapshot Data:
1. From your dashboard, click “Assignments” in the upper-right corner.
2. Use the search bar, filters, and tabs to find the correct assignment.
3. Click “Gradebook” to see student data on this assignment.
4. From the summary page, click “Details.”
On the “Details” page, you can see students’ percentages and scores, as well as a snapshot of student scores on each question to determine future whole class/small group instruction.
6. You can also hover over a question number to see the question stem.
On the “Details” page, click “Percent” or “Score” to pull up student work. You can also click a specific item score to review that item.
2. As you review student work, navigate using the “Previous Student” and “Next Student” buttons to see all students’ answers on a particular question. Navigate using the “Previous Item” and “Next Item” buttons to move through the assignment. Here, you can add Teacher Comments while reviewing.
To Review Non-Scored Items:
1. From the “Details” page, you may see a blue “Eyeball” in the item score box. This eyeball can mean:
a. There is a multi-part activity, image activity, or instructions to students. A page icon will be in place of an item number.
b. There is a question that is not scored. Examples include free response or free draw questions. It is assigned an item number.
Click the “Eyeball” to review student work.
p 7/2024
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